The Beginning Of Grand Opera In Chicago (1850 - 1859)

To My Wife pipe, and quietly muse over the things that were, this little record is modestly offered in the hope that it may afford an agreeable half hour. The gathering of the material was for me a pleasure, and I shall feel doubly repaid should it prove entertaining to the courteous and discriminating reader-how easily one falls into the polite formalities of the olden time of the structures in which it had previously found its abiding places, since this new home of Thespis was welcomed with such enthusiasm. For our information concerning the facts herein set down, I have turned exclusively to the files of the press of the time, that we might get the news fresh and fresh, just as it came onto the streets every afternoon for our great-grand- fathers-also for the additional reason, quite sufficient in itself, that there was no other place to get it. The daily newspaper, when you live with it day after day, takes on as distinct a personality, one drawing you by its cheery helpfulness...