The Life Of Porphyry, Bishop Of Gaza
Цена 25.64 - 52.15 USD
The Life Of Porphyry, Bishop Of Gaza. PREFACE. The present translation of the Life of Saint Porphyry is based on the Greek text published in the Teubner series by the members of the Bonn Philological Society in I895. My thanks are due to Messrs, Teubner for their courtesy in allowing me to make use of this text, the pages of which are indicated by figures preceded by the letter T in the margin of this translation. I have written a short introduction dealing with certain points arising out of the subject, and have added a few notes, which make no claim to originality. Some of these give the Greek text in cases where technical phrases are used, or where 1 have realized that the original might, perhaps, by scholars more conversant than myself with the Greek of the period, be more adequately rendered. In the notes are also given the chronological data, and the equivalents in weigbr of gold of the various iv Preface sums of money mentioned in the text to attempt to estimate their...