The Log of H.M.A. R34 Journey to America and Back

The Log Of H.M.A. R34"s Journey To America And Back - BY AIR-COMMODORE E. M. MAITLAND - A LETTER FROM MR. RUDYARD KIPLING - 1920 - DEAR GENERAL MAITLAND, Many thanks for your letter I shall Iook out for R 34s log most keenly, and the more. since, in my own mind, I always fancied the dirigible against the aeroplane for the overhead haulage of the years to come. Its curious to think that R 34s work has been, relatively, no mare than young Jarnes Watts brooding over the kettle on his mothers hob. Watt, I expect, didnt realize the steam-loco indeed, I believe he objected to it, but you, and every one aboard R 34, must have felt that you stood at the opening verse of an opening chapter of endless possibilities, and4 know what my own interest and pride were in seeing a dream shape itself and come true There was not any one who was more earnestly and unbrokenly interested while your voyage was under way and if I had only known any saint who could have bcen trusted with the direction of our...