Rome Vs Rome

ROME v s ROME V. E. ORLANDO ROME v s ROME A CHAPTER OF MY WAR MEMOIRS BY V. E. ORLANDO TRANSLATED BY CLARENCE BEARDSLEE S. F. VANNI INC. NEW YORK CONTENTS Page Foreword by Edward M. House 9 Preface by V. E. Orlando 1 1 Introduction. Historical political and ju ridical summary of the relations be tween the State and the Church in Italy from September, 1870 to Feb ruary 11, 1929. 21 L PiusX 81 II. The State and the Church in Italy during the War. 101 III. Further discussion of relations be tween the State and the Church during the War. A laboratory ex periment 113 IV. From Benedict XV to Pius XL 125 V. The precondition. 137 VI. Harmony or antinomy between the Lateran Accords of 1929 and the Law of 1871 149 Appendix. The Diary of Monsignor Cerretti with a note by V. E. Or lando. 177 Bibliography 189 FOREWORD By EDWARD M. HOUSE It pleases me to know that His Excellency, Vit torio E. Orlando, is writing, and will soon pub lish, certain incidents in his notable career, when he had the...