Ah Wilderness and Days Without End

Ah, Wilderness ! and Days Without End Two Plays by Eugene O"Neill Scenes ACT ONE Sitting-room of the Miller home in a large small-town in Connecticut early morning, July 4th, 1906. ACT TWO Dining-room of the Miller home evening of the same day. ACT THREE Scene One : Back room of a bar in a small hotel 10 o"clock the same night. Scene Two : Same as Act One the sitting-room of the Miller home a little after 11 o"clock the same night. ACT FOUR Scene One : The Miller sitting-room again about 1 o"clock the following afternoon. Scene Two : A strip of beach along the harbour about 9 o"clock that night, Scene Three : Same as Scene One the sitting-room about 10 o"clock the same night CHARACTERS NAT MILLER, owner of the " Evening Globe " ESSIE, his wife MILDRED TOMMY SID DAVIS, Essie"s brother LILY MILLER, Nat"s sister DAVID McCoMBER MURIEL McCoMBER, daughter WINT SELBY, classmate of Arthurs at Yale BELLE NORAH BARTENDER SALESMAN ACT ONE SCENE. Sitting-room of the Miller home in a large small...