John Wesley

JOHN WESLEY by BONAMY DOBREE PREFACE SINCE, as Mr. Vulliamy has remarked, the last halfcentury of Wesleys life is made up of a noble monotony, there is perhaps little need for me to excuse giving the greater part of this book to the earlier years, to the private rather than to the public Wesley, to the man in process of growth rather than to the finished figure. I have interpreted controversial points according to the more general conjectures, identifying, for instance, a religious friend met in 1725 with Varanese, and have avoided all apocryphal stories, except the one told of Wesley at the Charterhouse for this legend, if not true to fact, is so true to tie spirit, that I have thought myself justified in including it. Other matters have been omitted altogether, for instance Wesleys experiments with the doctrine of acting only when the spirit was free to act, and his political moves, such as his printed epistle to the American colonists and his letter to Lord North. My sources are...