Complete Shorthand Manual For Self Instruction
Цена 26.90 - 53.20 USD
PREFACE TO THE NEW COLUMBIAN EDITION. WE TAKE pleasure in presenting herewith the New Colurnbian edition of Days Complete Shorthand Matlual. The book has been very carfully gone over, and the reconmendations and suggestions of many of the best shorthand teachers in the country, who are using the Manual, carefully considered, and adopted .rvhcrcvcr they are in accordaice with thc principles of Graham Shorthand svhich we aim to present correctly, and for practical usage in offices and thc court room, lost of the errors that existed in the previous edition were due to defective engraving, and ive thirtk we have now succeeded in correcting all of these. It has not been passible to adopt all thc suggestions which have come to us, since shorthand is not an esact science, but we believe that no principles or cottractions have been introduced which the student would later find it difficult to put into actual practice. The continued and largely increased sales of the manual lead 11s to feel...