Spring Comes Again

JORIAN JENKS was a founder of the Soil Association and Editor of its journal "Mother Earth" and is regarded by many as one of the principle architects of the Green Movement in Britain. He was also a keen and active supporter of Oswald Mosley"s Blackshirt organisation, and wrote many articles for the movement"s newspapers and journals. He also became a prospective parliamentary candidate for the British Union of Fascists. Jorian Jenks was an advocate of organic farming, a view he shared with Richard Walther Darre, the Third Reich"s Food and Farming minister whom he met after the war. During WWII. He was imprisoned without charge or trial spending some time in the infamous torture centre at Lathchmere House in Surrey. During his later incarceration in Walton gaol he was subject to 23 hour "lock downs". Although born in Britain he spent a considerable time in New Zealand. He saw active service during the First World War. His life long interest was in agriculture and he was himself a...