Helmets And Body Armor In Modern Warfare

PREFACE THE present book aims to consider the virtues and failings of helmets and body armor in modern warfare. To this end it brings together materials collected from all accessibl sources it shows the kinds of armor which each nation has been using in the Great IVXT, what pratical tests they will resist, of what materials they are made, ,and what they have done in saving life and limb. As an intraduction to these headings there has now been added a section which deals with ancient armor this enables us to contrast the old with the new and to indicate, in clearer perspective, what degree of success the latest armor may achieve in its special field. The results of our inquiry will show 1. That the helmet has been adopted as part of the regular military equipment of many nations. 2 That helmets and body armor have been found, in broad sirerages, of distinct advantage to the wearers. 3 That body armor, in spite of the protection which it iffords, finds little favor with the soldier. For...