Fairies and Folk of Ireland

Цена 10.79 - 17.18 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781483706214


Страниц 164

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 152x220

William Henry Frost tells the stories of The Emerald Isle and the lesser seen peoples who reside there.The story which runs through and makes up the bulk of this book is my own. The intention has been, however, to make it conform to the laws governing certain beings commonly regarded in this country as mythical, as those laws are revealed in the folk-lore of many peoples, and particularly of the Irish people. Almost every incident in which the fairies are concerned might occur, and very many of them do actually occur, in Irish folk-lore. But in a real folk-tale there are usually only two or three, or, at any rate, only a few, of the characteristic incidents, while this story attempts to combine many of them.