Sillybeth, Muddledydo and the Flying Pigs

Sillybeth once again needs to ask Muddledydo for helpwith a gang of men forcing the farmers of the surrounding area to part with livestock and vegetables. This turns out to be some sort of protection racket, and Sillybeth knows that Muddledydo dealt with something similar by herself years ago. This gang however, seems to be very brutal and do not stop at just taking the farmers" living, even taking their sons and daughters as hostages. But the young boys and girls are not just used as hostages, so Muddledydo"s expertise is needed to put a stop to the gang and their wicked ways. However, it is not all tragedy and strife, as there are lots of times when Sillybeth and Muddledydo get things wrong as usual, this is going back to the old days for Muddledydo. She relishes the thought of action as it used to be before she married and settled down, and she gets what she wishes for, plenty of action and accidents. And all this without the old steel and cat lined hat which she has abandoned for...