Short Story Writing And Free Lance Journalism

SHORT STORY WRITING AND FREE-LANCE JOURNALISM To ne Subs SHORT STORY WRITING AND , FREE-LANCE JOURNALISM BY SYDNEY A. MOSELEY AUTHOB OF The Truth About a Journalist Television To-day and To-morrow Whos Who in Broadcasting, Money Making in Stocks and Shares, The Truth About Borstal, A Singular People, With Kitchener in Cairo, Brightest Spots in Brighter London, FOURTH EDITION LONDON SIR ISAAC PITMAN SONS, LTD. 1946 PREFACE TO FOURTH EDITION THAT SHORT STORY WRITING AND FREE-LANCE JOURNALISM has been selling steadily for some thirteen years is, I venture to submit, sufficient x testimony to its usefulness and popularity. What has happened in the intervening years from 1926 to 1939 new periodicals, new subjects, new editors and new ideas. And, of course, a multitude of new writers and new stars. I have revised this edition of SHORT STORY WRITING AND FREE-LANCE JOURNALISM, thoroughly bringing it up to date. Thus I hope the new reader will find it equally as useful as the many thousands...