Last Words - Broadsheets 1970-1980

Oswald Mosley was possibly the most controversial politician of the twentieth century. Many believe he was the greatest thinker of his age, he was certainly the finest orator of his generation. After service in the Royal Flying Corps in the First World War, he entered parliament determined to ensure good jobs and decent homes for all. He became a Minister in the Labour Government with a special responsibility for ending unemployment. When that Government refused to act he resigned forming first the New Party and later the British Union of Fascists. In the latter he devised policies to create full employment through a British Corporate State and more effective government through an Occupational Franchise. Mosley was almost alone in opposing the Second World War with his policy of "Peace with Honour, Empire Intact and British People Safe." For speaking against that War, which was to cost 60-million lives, Mosley and over 1000 of his most active followers were imprisoned without charge...