Moulds, Mildews, and Mushrooms
Цена 8.45 - 9.62 USD
FOREWORD Gospel Recordings is a synonym for Gospel Miracles. A young missionary, too ill to return to her field in Latin America, had a call from God to send out some gospel records in Spanish, which might be used in places where missionaries could not go, or could not stay. Now these gospel records are pouring out at a rate that will soon reach half a million, and they are going out now in four hundred languages George Mueller said that one purpose of establishing his orphanages was to show the Christian world that God is a living God and does hear and answer prayer. Gospel Re- cordings has had an unbroken pathway of the supernatural working of God in answer to prayer, which has stimulated the faith of thousands, as well as reaching hundreds of thousands who are hearing the gospel for the first time through these records. My stay of several weeks in the headquarters of Gospel Recordings gave me a glimpse of prayer and faith and New Testament living and victorious fellowship that I...