Illustrated Guide To The Trees And Flowers Of England And Wales
Цена 25.37 - 51.10 USD
This book is intended to help the ordinary nature-lover, who may pehaps have little or no special knowledge of botany, to find out the names of such trees and flowers as he meets with. If, knowing the name, he will turn for further information to one of the larger works mentioned below, so much the better, but the name must come first. With plants as with human beings, the first step towards a friendship, with all its Future possibilities of interest and delight, is to ask your friends name. No doubt even ignorant people get some sort of enjoyment out of nature, but it makes all the difference in the world to the pleasure of a country when, on every hedge-bank and in every ditch, you catch sight of familiar accuaintices, which we have learnt to greet by name, and to recogize as friends.....