The Canary Book

PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. IN consequence of the great and rapid progress that has been made during the past ten years in the art of Canary-breeding, I have found it necessary to issue a Third Edition of the CANARY BOOK. In doing so I have endeavoured to treat fully and accurately upon every subject of interest to lovers and breeders of these delightul pets. I have now given a full and complete account of those direlul maladies, Typhus and Scarlet Fever, the result of over twenty years experience and study since my first discovery of these diseases attacking birds. Their cause, prevention, and general treatment are fully discussed. Further, I have included information on some maladies not hitherto mentioned, and have extended my remarks on other complaints from which birds are known to suffer. Other subjects not previously dealt with in this or any other work on Canaries are also treated, and I have endeavoued to set right several matters that have hitherto given rise to contention...