The Book Of British Butterflies

The Book Of British Butterflies : A Practical Manual For Collectors And Naturalists, BY W. J. LUCAS. PREFACE. From the many beautiful objects which the student of Nature finds awaiting his attention, the Butterflies will be allowed by most to take a very prominent place, adding as they do another to the many charms of the flower-decked summer-fields. To assist the large and ever-increasing body of naturalists who make Butterflies their pursuit, has been written. Though primarily intended for beginners it is not a book for mere collectors only, but one that will assist, it is hoped, those who take up the subject in the true entmological spirit a spirit that seems to be on the increase at the present day-one that speedily transforms the collector into an observing and experimental entomologist. With this object in view, while a popular style has avoided, the subject has been treated with sufficient fulness, it is hoped, to enable anyone wishing to do so, to work at these insects in...