A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Цена 31.23 - 54.08 USD
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive : being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation Mill"s Logic, first published in 1843, firmly established Mill as the leader of the empirical school of logic. A System of Logic is the first major installment of his comprehensive restatement of an empiricist and utilitarian position. It begins the attack on "intuitionism" which Mill carried on throughout his life, and makes plain his belief that social planning and political action should rely primarily on scientific knowledge, not on authority, custom, revelation, or prescription.Contents Include: OF NAMES AND PROPOSITIONS Of the Necessity of commencing with an Analysis of Language Of Names Of the Things denoted by Names Of Proposition Of the Import of Propositions Of Propositions merely Verbal Of the nature of Classification and the five Predicables Of Definition OF REASONING Of Inference, or Reasoning in General Of Ratiocination, or...