Happier People Healthier Planet

"Happier People Healthier Planet" addresses the diametrically opposed issues of personal wellbeing and ecological destruction as inseparable concerns. It shows how carefully attending to what really matters for personal thriving will also protect the environment. Most human beings are strongly attracted to material possessions, novelty and ever greater comfort and convenience, yet paradoxically, for those with a decent basic standard of living, growing affluence has not resulted in increased subjective wellbeing: overconsumption does not make us happy. Worse, our unchecked appetites for "stuff" are fast undermining the delicately balanced life-support system provided by the natural world. It is perfectly possible to live a rewarding life without consuming more than we need, and we must all find out how to do so if we are to preserve the hospitality of the Earth. This book, unusual in the diversity of its perspectives, investigates the factors that are likely to encourage a positive...