Elements Of Agricultural Chemistry - In A Course Of Lectures
Цена 11.95 - 15.75 USD
ELEMENTS AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, IN A COURSE OF LECTURES DELIVERED BEFORE THE BOARD 0F AGRICULTURE. BY SIR HUMPHRY DAVY, PRESIDENT OP THE ROYAL SOCIETY. A NEW EDITION WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SOILS, AND COPIOUS NOTES, RECENT DISCOVERERS AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. Bought in 1916 for the Stau Library GLASGOW PUBLISHED BY RICHARD GRIFFIN AND COMPANY AM THOMAS TEGG, LOOTON, PRINTED BY ROBERT MALCOLM, Nelson Street, GLASGOW. By THE EDITOR, from the year 1802 to 1812, and published by Mm in 1813, is here presented to the Pule, bought down to the knowledge of the present day by the addition of copious Notes, embracing the important new in formation that has resulted from tie numerous researches, CONTENTS. Advertisement, . . . . . iii. LECTURE I. INTRODUCTION, ..... 1 Objects and arrangement of the Course, . . ib. Phenomena of Vegetation, .... 3 Composition and Food of Plants, . . . .4 Economy of Vegetation, .... 6 Operation of Alkaline Substances, . . . .8 Fallowing, Burning,...