British Music Publishers - Printers And Engravers

Preface. As a pioneer work, the present volume must claim a little indulgence. Excepting a few scattered notices here and there, nothing dealing with the subject of the following pages has yet appeared, and facts bearing on it are scanty and scattered in many places. The lists of publications are not put forth as containing all that my material would furnish, but are merely selections culled to show types of a publishers issue to fix a date, or give a variation of imprint. The names attached here and there are those of the owners of the particular copies I have consulted and do not imply that such works may not be in the British Museum or else- where. Much of the bibliographical matter comes from my own library, while my friend, Mr. T. W. Taphouse, of Oxford, has freely as he has ever done thrown open to me his large and valuable store of rare and unique volumes. The British Museum has, of course, also furnished much, and I have to thank Mr. W. Barclay Squire there, for much helpful...