Choice Recipes
Цена 6.45 - 8.05 USD
PREFACE THIS booklet is in no sense a history of our Methodist Episcopal Missions in China. It is not even an attempt to express appreciation of the splendid achievemeilts of our missionaries. Full half of the space allotted has been taken for a general account of the land, the peopIe, and the religions of China, because interest in and appreciation of our work depend upon seeing our Missions in their relations to the unfolding life of this vast empire. We have simply at- tempted to present such a brief outline as will enable American Methodists to understand the problem which confronts us and to make preparation for a suitable participation in the centennial celebration of the founding of Protestant Missions in China. This celebration will occur in Shanghai, April 25 to May 6, 1907, and American Methodism ought to contribute three hundred thousand dollars far the strengthening and enlargement of our work. If the Church at home can only realize that the opportunity whichnow confronts...