Conservation Recipes

Цена 26.66 - 52.85 USD

FOREWORD The Third Edition of the Conservation Recipes is published in order to meet, as far as possible, the needs of the housewife in conforming strictly to the latest rulings of the Food Administration. The following ration is given as a guide only. It must vary from time to time as the food situa- tion changes. Be alert and watch for all Food Conservation reports and be guided intelligently by them. If there is less need of saving certain com- modities in some sections of the country because of local conditions, the general rule still holds that Food will win the War. And since that state- ment is as true now as when it first startled us with its significance, dont waste it, nor use more of it than is necessary for normal health. VOLUNTARY HONOR RATION Per Person, Per Week Meat and Meat Products 2 Ibs. Butter for table use ..... 7 oz. Fat for Cooking ------- 7 oz. Wheat Flour for Cooking Bread of Mixed Cereals - - y2 IDS. Sugar not including sugar for preserving 12 oz....