Copper Work - A Text Book For Teachers And Students In The Manual Arts ..
Цена 25.37 - 51.80 USD
PREFACE. this book the subject of Copper Work, as it may be introduced into the public schools, is treated to the extent of specifying an equipment and suggesting some of the possibilities of a course. Not only will there be found an abundance of illustrative material on this subject, con- sisting of drawings and photographs of various objects executed by upper grammar and high school pupils, but also a detailed description of the processes necessary for the execution of many of the designs. It is not expected that the problems as given will be slavishly copied, but rather that they will make clear the methods and processes that may be applied in the working out of similar problems. It is hoped that this volume will be especially helpful to teachers in the Manual Arts who are trying to introduce Metal Work into the regular school course. The author is indebted to Charles J. Martin and Antonio Cirino, for valuable assistance in making some of the illustrations. AUGUSTUS F. ROSE. PLATE...