Grasses, Sedges, Rushes And Ferns Of The British Isles

Цена 24.36 - 51.27 USD

GRASSES, SEDGES, RUSHES AND FERNS OF THE BRITISH ISLES - By N. BARRIE HODGSON - CONTENTS PAGE - GRASSES Grafninee - - - - - 7 SEDGES Cypeaced - - - - - - 35 RUSHES Jzincrace - - - - - - 60 FERN S Pteridolytec - - - - - 67 HORSETAILS Eqzkretum - - - - - 83 CLUB-hIOSSES Lyopodiztnj - - - - 88 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS GRASSES Sweet Vernal. Green Panick. Spreading Millet. Timothy. Slender Fox-tail. Meadow Fox-tail. Floating Fox-tail. Fiorin. Brown Bent. Tufted Hair. Silvery Hair. Early Hair. Perennial Oat. Wild Oat. False Oat. Yellow Oat. Upright Sea Lymegrass. Meadow Soft. Creeping Soft. Matgrass. Meadow Barley. Wild Barley. Squirrel-tail. Couch. Darnel. Fibrous-rooted Wheat. Hairy Brome. Upright Brome. Soft Brome. Barren Brome. Common Rye. Sheeps Fescue. Tall Brome. Hard Meadow. Barren Fescue. Cocks-foot. Crested Dogs-tail. Meadow Fescue. Common Quaking. Smooth-stalked Meadow. Reed Meadow. Floating Meadow. Sea Meadow. Annual Meadow. Wood Meadow. Water Whorl. Bulbous Meadow. Decumbent...