Treat Yourself: 70 Classic Snacks You Loved as a Kid (and Still Love Today)

Цена 12.64 - 19.29 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 499991631629, 9780385345200

Брэнд Clarkson Potter


Издатель Clarkson Potter Publishers

Страниц 176

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 200x235

When her New York Times article on making homemade Twinkies went viral, Jennifer Steinhauer had no idea just how big the nostalgia for classic snack foods was. But as she found out, "For Americans of a certain age, memory lane is paved in Ho Hos." Now Jennifer captures that nostalgia in 70 recipes to honor and replicate these iconic snack foods. Equal parts food trivia, personal anecdotes, and DIY Devil Dogs, Jennifer frames each recipe by elaborating on the distinct pleasures associated with each treat. Whether you peel the top off your Hostess cupcake or pull apart your Oreos, you will relish her smart, hilarious take on making your favorite treats from scratch and want to join in the fun.