The Cabinet-Maker"s Guide to the Entire Construction of Cabinet-Work

PREFACE. WRITTEN to supply a want is a phrase now become so hackneyed, that it is only repeated here because no other words mould so well express the purpose of the writer-which is, to place before the trade a book of instruction on Cabinet-making by a London Cabinet-maker. From the fact of the London trade being divided and sub-divided into so many branches-wardrobe makers, pianoforte-case makers, photographic ap- paratus makers, dining-table makers, telegraphic- case makers, sideboard makers, glass-showcase makers, chiffonier makers, looking-glass-frame- makers, mathematical-case makers, dressing-case makers, toilet-table makers, chest-of-drawers makers, etc., etc.-and each one of these branches taking apprentices, it follows as a natural consequence that there are many workmen who are thoroughly efficient only in the branch in which they have been specially trained. It mill frequently happen, from slackness in a particular branch of trade, or from a other causea, that a workman is...