Face to Face with Fear Transforming Fear Into Love

Цена 16.19 - 27.15 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781905399406


Страниц 268

Год выпуска 2009

Форма выпуска 152x220

Face to Face with Fear offers a roadmap with specific tools and guidance forhow to transform fear into love. Sharing openly from his own life, his experiencesworking as a psychiatrist and seminar leader and his many years as a discipleof an enlightened spiritual master, Krishnananda (Thomas O. Trobe M.D.)takes us on a journey of self-discovery, self-love and healing. The approachand the message is simple. Through acceptance, understanding andcompassion, we can uncover and heal the deepest wounds of our soul.This book is designed for anyone who longs to heal and to experience love. Dowe ever ask ourselves what causes us so much anxiety? Why do we suffer whenwe don't get the love we want and need? What is the source of our fear andinsecurities and how can we heal them? These are the questions that theauthor addresses in this book.Hiding behind our protections, denial and addictive behaviors, is a profoundlypanicked and wounded part of us. Until we make friends with this frightenedchild inside, our life can never be a joyful and loving experience and we live ina state of co-dependency either in conflict, disappointment or in isolation. Butwhen we open to our wounded vulnerability and heal it, we bring love andfulfillment into our lives.This book describes this healing journey. It is easy to read and full of personalexamples which helps us to realize that we are all in the same boat - a boat ofhealing our wounds so that we can enjoy life as we are meant to enjoy it.