Rootbeer Beard

Цена 8.06 - 12.43 USD

Take a trip aboard a pirate ship where all is as it should be until one single fateful day. How and why did one tiny pirate get aboard the ship? And what will the captain do when he finds out? Where is all the rootbeer going? And can you guess why one small pirate is turning green? This is one silly adventure written by one remarkable fellow, Stephen Butterman, author of the very funny and clever ageless grown-up book, "Tales As Tall As A Sunflower." If you are looking for just the right chapter book for that book report, this is the book for you. Full of pirate fun and smiles, with emphasis on what is really important in this life of ours on this lowly water filled planet we call Earth, Stephen Butterman reminds us what it means to be a family as he points out that families come in all shapes and sizes, and that love should never have any boundaries.