Room 17 "Where History Comes Alive" Book I--Indians

Цена 8.95 - 12.07 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780979481505


Страниц 128

Год выпуска 2007

Enter the magical and exciting "Room 17" and find out why this school room is so exciting and what happens to one group of kids when they enter the pod between the school rooms to work on their group history project. Long time teacher, writer and artist Paula Parton has done it again! And this time she makes history come alive! Find out what life lessons these fourth graders learn, and how they might have actually affected history. To say the story of "Room 17" is awe inspiring is an understatement, and the good news is this is the first book in a brand new series of books all about the adventures of the kids in "Room 17"! Ask yourself what you would do if you had entered the pod. (And what exactly is the pod?) Better yet, join the kids of "Room 17" and let your imagination soar through time and space as you embark upon a great and sometimes perilous adventure! Paula Parton (a fourth grade teacher who just happens to teach in "Room 17") is the author and cover illustrator...