Bibliographical Notes On One Hundred Books Famous In English Literature
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Arranged side by side, each volume open at its title-page, the individuality of these well-known works was brought out strikingly taken collectively, they illustrated, clearly and interestingly, the development of the Book in England. Members of the Club were thus led to suggest the publication of a second, or supplementary volume, which should give the bibliographical facts connected with each book, and which should indicate, briefly, something of their development. The present volume was undertaken in response to their suggestion. The relations of author with printer or publisher, the success or failure of the books, matters of illustration, and marked peculiarities of editions, issuer or volumes- all these things are referred to at greater or less length. In same cases, the facts have been given with fullness but in others, like that of the Shakespeare First Folio, about which so much has been written, it was thought unnecessary to enter into details. Many of the books in the list...