Essays - Second Series

Цена 9.95 - 9.97 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781443710350

Брэнд Muschamp Press

Страниц 364

Год выпуска 2008

Essays - Second Series, By E.W. Emerson. 1 THE POET A MOODY child and wildly wise Pursued the game with joyful eyes, Which chose like meteors, their way, And rived the dark with private ray They overleapt the horizons edge, Searched with Apollos privilege Through man, and woman, and sea, and stlill saw the dance of nature forward far Through worlds, and races, and terms, and timer Saw musical order, and pairing rhymes. Olympian bards who sung Divine ideas below, Which always find us and always keep us so...