The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle

Цена 28.49 - 53.20 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781406790528

Брэнд Pomona Press

Страниц 320

Год выпуска 2006

One of the philosopher"s most studied works, the Nicomachean Ethics, is here made available in the same translation in the World"s Classics. Notes of primarily textual importance have been omitted, leaving only those of more general philosophical interest the index has been adapted for this edition and there is a new Introduction by the translator. Though Aristotle at hisdeath left other ethical works, and this book is therefore called after its first editor Nicomachus, it is this which is usually meant when Aristotle"s Ethics is referred to. As such it is of fundamental importance in the development of philosophy.Keywords: Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle Philosophical Interest Philosophy Fundamental Importance Philosopher Translator Translation