Let"s Meet on Platform 8

Цена 12.45 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780751551495

Брэнд Sphere


Издатель Sphere

Страниц 336

Год выпуска 2013

Форма выпуска 125x195

Teri has dated more men than she"s had low-calorie, low-fat dinners, and she still hasn"t found Mr Right. She"s found other men though: Mr Lazy, Mr Greedy, Mr Completely Selfish, Mr Looking-For-Mother-Substitute and Mr Pervert. But no Mr Right. That is until she"s literally knocked off her feet by Jamie Duncan as they rush to catch the same train from Euston station: the 18.07 from platform 8. It"s not long before love blossoms and commuting takes on a whole new meaning. There"s just one problem. Sadie may have found Mr Right but he may not be Mr Available…