Frontiers of the Afterlife

THE GREAT QUESTION Since mankind came up out of savagery, the great problem has been: What is the ultimate end? What, if anything awaits on the other side of death"s mysterious door? What happens when the hour strikes that closes man"s earth career, when, leaving all the gathered wealth of lands and goods, he goes out into the dark alone? Is death the end--annihilation and repose? Or, does he wake in some other sphere or condition, retaining personality? Each must solve this great question for himself. Edward C. Randall. (1860-1935) - A prominent New York trial lawyer from Buffalo who served on the board of directors of a number of large corporations, Randall became interested in Spiritualism around 1890 following his attendance at a seance. Soon afterwards he established a "Rescue Circle" in order to help "earthbound" spirits progress. The circle comprising of Randall"s wife and some close associates including a prominent judge Dean Stuart of Rochester, sat every week for over 20...