Fatal Faultlines
Цена 17.68 - 17.99 USD
Do Muslims around the world hate us in the US? *** Aren"t we the good guys? Don"t we come to the aid of the poor and dislocated whenever there is a disaster in any part of the world? *** Attitudes of people in Muslim countries toward the US continue to confound American policymakers and the American public. Billions of dollars in aid has gone to Muslim countries, yet Muslims worldwide have an extremely unfavorable image of America and the West. *** Fatal Faultlines is a comprehen sive look at attitudes in Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world toward the US and the West, presenting a clear narrative of vastly conflicting interests and perceptions. *** It is an indispensable guide to understanding how rational people on each side of the divide can have such a different perspective on what is going on in the world.