Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue Volume 11 Issues 1&2 2009 (PB)
Цена 41.75 - 86.13 USD
Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue is the journal of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum(AATC). An important historical event in the development of organizations dealing with the scholarly field ofteaching and curriculum was the founding of the AATC on October 1, 1993. The members of the AATCbelieved that the time was long overdue to recognize teaching and curriculum as a basic field of scholarlystudy, to constitute a national learned society for the scholarly field of teaching and curriculum (teaching is themore inclusive concept; curriculum is an integral part of teaching-the "what to teach" aspect).Since it's founding AATC has produced scholarship in teaching and curriculum and serves the general publicthrough its conferences, journals, and the interaction of its members. The purpose of the organization was originallydefined in Article 1, Section 2 of the AATC Constitution: "To promote the scholarly study of teachingand curriculum; all analytical and interpretive approaches that are appropriate for the scholarly study of teachingand curriculum shall be encouraged."Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue seeks to fulfill that mission.