Supplemental Readings for Educators

Цена 41.39 - 91.38 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781617359309

Страниц 120

Год выпуска 2012

Being an educator is a wonderfully fulfilling career, but it's not for everyone. Itis also, at times, a frustrating, stressful, aggravating, depressing occupation.Far too many people think working in a school is a pretty easy job-a job anybodycan do, basically babysitting with plenty of vacation time thrown in.Of course the "truth" about education is elusive, and the truth about what itmeans to be a great educator is equally elusive. These essays, which are writtenby educators, offer insights into the profession and what it takes to make a positivedifference in the lives of others. These chapters are offered as catalysts forreflection and discussion.