The Mayan Calendar Smashes to the Ground

As I began to write, I looked to spirit guides of my mind that will foster an elevated thought into an adventure linking the past, present, as well as the future. This will be a special journey of connections between mind, spirit, soul, and heart. I invite the readers to allow their mind to imagine a golden snake being released into their mind to travel, clear and trigger stored remembrances of eons of seeds that now come together in both mythical and factual connections that have spanned our earth over its existence. Lynn Marie is finishing up her dissertation in Quantum Physics of brain potential. After spending two years in Peru, studying with Master Shaman Torrance, she discovers herself open to a new world of visionary sight. She returns to her home in San Diego and sets out to record her premonitions and visions. Using Nostradamus"s ancient elixirs, the Mayans" advanced disciplines, Atlantis"s energies, and Lemuria"s secrets of old, she goes on a metaphysical journey of prophecy...