A Lost Heroine of the Confederacy

A Lost Heroine of the Confederacy: The Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson edited by William and Loretta Galbraith Exciting letters and diaries of a Southern woman who secretly conveyed intelligence for the Confederacy In an era that glorified Southern womanhood, especially the women who contributed significantly to the Confederate cause, the subject of this fascinating book, until now, somehow has been largely forgotten. These are the papers that survived her, and they detail the life and deeds of Belle Edmondson (1840-1873), a heroine of the Confederacy. This collection consists of her diaries for 1863 and 1864 and the letters she received between 1861 and 1864. They document her active role behind the scenes in the Civil War and reveal her to have been a courier, a gatherer of intelligence, and a smuggler of contraband on behalf of Southern troops in west Tennessee. Of all correspondence, the most valuable letters are those from one "Captain Henderson." These request copies of...