Corporate Sin, Second Edition

Something is wrong. Everyone feels it. Organization after organization is found losing its focus, identity and stability, which results in the blame game disrupting productive effort. The CORPORATE SIN is leadership that is leaderless and workers who are dissonant.. When that happens, those in charge are reduced to corporate speak, which is designated here as corpocracy. Instead of embracing problems, they are dispatched with infallible authority in business as usual practices no matter how counterproductive. We saw this in the aftermath of the British Petroleum oilrig explosion and subsequent Gulf of Mexico oil pollution of the gulf coastline. We saw it in the aftermath of the real estate meltdown and Wall Street collapse in 2008. And we have seen it in the aftermath of the Federal bailout of the automotive industry. Whatever the enterprise or industry, corporate offenders seem unwilling or unable to learn from these near catastrophes, or to demonstrate humility and modify...