Regaining Control
Цена 16.98 - 19.95 USD
Only 1% of the world"s assets are held in the name of women. 70% of people in abject poverty?living on less than $1 per day?are women. Over half the women of this generation do not themselves receive, from either employment or the state, enough to "get by". These shocking statistics call to our attention the importance of financial independence among women. Financial dependence, though, is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Dependence can also be noted in Validation and Self Esteem ; Mobility and Daily Care ; and Emotional Support and A Shield from the World . Loving, caring, and well meaning spouses, families, and caregivers can unwittingly gnaw away at self confidence and self esteem until a person is trapped in an unhealthy situation. Are you at risk? Would you be financially secure without your spouse"s income? Do you find it hard to say "No"? Do you feel unlovable or ugly? Have...