Farmer Hayseed in town; or The closing days of Coin"s financial school

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1895 Excerpt: ...You can describe the situation by saying the hog has rooted out the foundation of the throne in so far as it rested upon agriculture. The emperor perceives this and he tries to exclude the porkers before they do more mischief and leave things where the American steer, in the form of cheap beef, will come tilting into the arena and knock over the whole structure. The hog question is the only serious thing which our rulers see and they are wide-awake and sharp of sight. The American hog must not be allowed to get her living under the throne and leave her hind legs in America to fatten her young and thus give wealth to your farmers. That is the situation as Wilhelm beholds it. He is trying to kill the American hog. He can"t do it. His associates are trying to keep the American steer...