Government Control of the Meat-Packing Industry (Volume 1); Hearings Before the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, United States Senate, ... the Production, Sale, and Distribution of Liv
Цена 44.86 - 88.21 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1919. Excerpt: ... Now, that contract is with the Stock Yards Co.? Mr. Armour. Yes. Mr. Heney. The record of earnings and dividends for the past five years, which carries us back before the war, is as follows: Average dividend for these five years, $120,000, which is 60 per cent on amount paid in and 6 per cent on paper capital. On May 22, 1918, the Federal Trade Commission wrote for that information, and here is your letter in reply: Chicago, June 3, 1918. Mr. Francis Walker, Federal Trade Commission,, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of May 22, wish to say that on September 14, 1917, we acquired from the Union Rendering Co., 444.18 acres farm and pasture land surrounding plant, at a total cost of $66,627. No new buildings have been erected on this property. The "property"...