Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Volume 161
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1905 Excerpt: ...used. The circulating-pump should in all oases be designed so that the upper portion can be easily removed for examination of the pump. In every centrifugal pump the outer casing and the revolving disk may be of cast iron, and the spindle of steel, unless the circulating water contains salts or other impurities likely to attack these metals. Direct-driven pumps, preferably worked by electric motors, are most satisfactory. Fig. 3. Edwards Aib-pcmp. The oirculating-pump is generally arranged so that the coolingwater is forced through the tubes, the pump-discharge flange being directly connected with the water-inlet of the condenser; and here the centrifugal pump has the advantage over the reciprocating pump. A centrifugal pump generates a limited pressure, and a complete stoppage...