Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Volume 128

Цена 27.64 - 54.49 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781130355833

Брэнд Rarebooksclub.com

Страниц 192

Год выпуска 2012

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1897 Excerpt: ...total of the estimates sanctioned for the new works, 58-75 miles long, being Rs.2,00,85,470, or at the rate of Rs.3,38,088 per mile, complete. Under the rules of the Indian Public Works Department, the Author retired in July, 1894; and, since then, this railway has been completed by his successor, Mr. C. W. Hodson, M. Inst. C.E., with a saving on the original estimates. Unfortunately, the financial straits of the Government of India did not allow of sufficient funds being annually provided for so active a prosecution of the works as was expected when they were sanctioned, which added considerably to their cost, gave them a bad reputation in the eyes of people seeking work, and delayed their completion by eighteen months. The work was all done under the "petty contract" system....