REACH USA 2010 Conference Proceedings
Цена 142.12 - 306.43 USD
In recent months many experts have advised that lead registration dossiers should be submitted to the European Chemicals Agency by June 2010 - six months before the official deadline - to allow ECHA time to conduct appropriate completeness checks. With so little time remaining, companies are understandably worried about how they are going to meet these deadlines. Moreover many organisations still need clarification over how to meet their responsibilities with regard to the management of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) and the associated candidate list and communication requirements. For many American businesses there is also the added concern that REACH will trigger further chemicals policy initiatives, drive TSCA reform discussions and bring about a new set of obligations to fulfil. The eighth in the series of REACH conferences organised by iSmithers and sister company Smithers RAPRA has been developed for industry to ensure they understand the practical implications for...