Wind-up Racing Cars. Книжка-игрушка (+ подарок)

Цена 23.79 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781409507819



Издатель Usborne Publishing Ltd.

Страниц 12

Год выпуска 2009

Форма выпуска 240x310

All the thrills and spills of the Grand Prix are in this book! With three sturdy tracks embedded in the pages, the two accompanying wind-up racing car toys can be raced, overtaking one another, crashing and swerving to be the first to reach the finish line. It contains all sorts of information and fun facts about motor racing including pit stops, overtaking and getting ready to race. This is a perfect gift for young racing enthusiasts. Книжка с вырубкой.К изданию прилагаются 2 миниатюрные модели гоночных автомобилей. Размер модели 7 х 3 см.