The Secret Quest

They stand only half a thumb high But have adventures as big as the sky. In The Secret Quest, the seventh installment in The Twith Logue Chronicles, Haymun, the goblin king, has returned to Gyminge under strict orders from the wizard. Bimbo and Bollin, the Shadow Brothers, have been sent on a secret quest. With Dr. Tyfuss, Haymun"s court physician, on their side, they feel confident of success. But will their carefully laid plans be ruined when Bimbo and Bollin are captured? See how the smallest among us sometimes have the grandest adventures of all in The Secret Quest! The Twith, the seven Little People of Gibbins Brook Farm, survived the Wizard of Wozzle"s invasion of their homeland many centuries ago. But their thrilling quests had only just begun! "I am really enjoying the book, and I can"t wait to find out what happens next. " -Alyssa G., age 13 "It was so good I didn"t want to put it down. I had to read "just one more chapter"." -Sandie A. "This is a great book for young...