The Snugglewump Roars, Volume 6

On the Brook live seven tiny folk called Twith. The last free people of their kind, they managed to escape when the wicked Wizard of Wozzle invaded their homeland. For over a thousand years, they have been hiding from him. Now he has found them and intends to capture them and take their valuable Book of Lore. When the Wizard kidnaps one of their human allies, the Twith are required to divide their numbers as half of them set off on a rescue mission, leaving the other half behind to defend the Brook. With the forces of the tiny folk weakened, the wizard mounts a mighty assault on Gibbins Brook Farm using a creature called a SnuggleWump. This dragon-like monster was accidently created from a lizard by the wizard"s assistant, Mrs. Squidge. In The SnuggleWump ROARS, discover what overwhelming odds the Twith face in their battle against the evil wizard. With their forces so weak for engaging in battle, will they be able to survive, or does this mean the end of the free Twith?